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Home page


Newest Products

Display a selection of the newest products on the homepage.

Featured Products

Display a selection of the featured products on the homepage.

Popular products

Display a selection of popular products on the homepage.

Active product tab

Select which product tab should be active first, from Newest, Featured, Popular

Category description

Show the description of the categories on the homepage.

Category title alignment

Define the alignment of the category title.

Category columns

Select how many categories per row you want.

Read more homepage text feature

Shorten the content of the homepage by adding a “Read more” button.

Show titles

Titles like: Categories, Products, Brands and Blog.

Product columns on homepage – Desktop

Select how many products per row you want in your collection pages and product modules.

Product Columns – Mobile

Select how many products per row you want in your collection pages and product modules.

Remove the space between products – Mobile

Show products close together on mobile.

Product stock

Show the stock level of each product.

Product description

Display the description of the product on category pages.

Product reviews

Enable to display user reviews on your product pages.

Tags homepage

Enable this setting to display a list of tags entered for the shop’s products on the home page.

Show “New”, “Sale” and custom labels

Show the labels over the product image of the product.


Homepage banners

Banner style

Choose the style for the banners, choose from:

Stijl 1

Stijl 2


Headlines fullwidth

Show the Headlines across the full width of the site. (Only affects Style 2).

Headline height

Specify the height of the headline images in pixels (px).

Headline and banner text color

Define the text color within the banners and the banners.

Button color

Specify the color of the buttons.

Button text color

Specify the color of the text in the buttons.

Banner 1 to 6

Upload an image for the banner on the homepage. Minimum banner size is 620px x 620px. The image covers the space inside the banner.

Banner text 1 to 6

Enter the text that appears in the headline.

Banner url 1 to 6

Enter the url for the button in the headline.

Banner button text 1 to 6

Enter the text that appears in the button in the headline.



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