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Category listing


Product columns on collection – desktop

Select how many products per row you want in your collection pages and product modules.

Product Columns – Mobile

Select how many products per row you want in your collection pages and product modules.

Remove the space between products – mobile

Show products close together on mobile.

“Add to cart” button

Show the “Add to cart” button under each product.

“Add to cart” button mouseover

Show the “Add to cart” button under each product only on mouseover.

“Add to cart” text

Show the text “Add to cart”, when disabled only shows the icon.

“Add to cart” icon

Choose which icon you want to display in the “Add to cart” button.

Product stock status

Show the stock status of each product.

Product inventory level

Show the stock level of each product.

Product comparison

Show the product comparison option under each product.

Product text alignment

Define the alignment of the product info.

Product description

Display the description of the product on category pages.

Product reviews

Enable to display user reviews on your product pages.



Product quantities

Show how many products are in the category in the sidebar.

Kiyoh theme

Define Kiyoh’s theme.

Kiyoh transparency

Makes the widget transparent.



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