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Rounded corners

Define the radius of the corners for: buttons, input fields, images, etc.

Site width

Select the maximum width of the site.

Brand name in product titles

If you enable this setting, the brand name will appear before the product title on all products.


General colors

Add to cart button

Specify the color for the “Add to cart” button.

Add to cart text color

Specify the color for the “Add to cart” text.

Product title color

Specify the color for product titles.

Price color

Specify color for pricing.

Primary accent color

Specify the color for accents such as: primary buttons, links, active links and form elements.

Primary text color for buttons

Specify the text color for primary buttons.

Badge color

Define the color of the badges that contains “New”.

Badge text color

Define the text color of the badges that contains “New”.

Badge Sale color

Define the color of the badges that contains “Sale”.

Badge Sale text color

Define the text color of the badges that contains “Sale”.

Badge Sale text

Define the text of the badges that contains “Sale”.

Badge Sale – show % discount

Turn on the percentage into the label.


Image settings

Dark overlay product images

Check this if you want to replace the white background of your product images with a light grey one.

Product image ratio

Choose a ratio for the product image, choose from: Square, Portrait or Landscape.

Show the full product image

Enabling this setting will resize the product images so that they are fully visible and not cropped.

Show the full category image

Enabling this setting will resize the category of images so that they are fully visible and not cropped.


Mobile settings

Remove the white space between the products

If you enable this setting, the products will be displayed tightly against each other.



Display brand names in product titles

If you enable this setting, the brand name of the product will be shown in the title.



Headings (Google Web Fonts)

These fonts affect the titles or headings of your sections and/or pages.

Heading bold

This setting makes the headings bold.

Body (Google Web Fonts)

These fonts affect the overall text of your store.

Body text color

This setting affects the color of the general text of the shop.



Background image

This image will appear in the body (body) of every page of your store.

Background image position

This setting affects the position of the image you uploaded above in the background.

Repeat background image

This setting changes how your background image repeats (for example: repeat vertically or horizontally, etc.).

Background color

This setting affects the color of the shop’s main background.

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